Code Of Ethics


(In force as of April 18, 2023)

Approved by O5-1

The Ethics Committee: Code of Ethics

As an Ethics Committee member for the SCP Foundation, working alongside O5-1 and other administrative positions, it is our responsibility to establish a comprehensive code of ethics that ensures the safety of both SCPs and Foundation personnel. Below are the subsections and sections of this code of ethics:

I. General Principles

• The SCP Foundation exists to protect humanity from the anomalous and unknown. As such, all actions and decisions made by Foundation personnel must be made with this goal in mind.
• The SCP Foundation operates with the utmost secrecy and discretion. All personnel must adhere to strict confidentiality protocols and protect the Foundation's secrets at all costs.
• The SCP Foundation values the safety and well-being of all personnel, including D-class personnel and SCPs. All personnel must prioritize safety above all else.

II. Ethical Conduct

• All personnel must conduct themselves in an ethical manner and avoid engaging in behavior that could harm others or damage the Foundation's reputation.
• Personnel must not engage in activities that violate local, national, or international laws.
• Personnel must treat all SCPs with respect and dignity, and must never engage in cruel or abusive behavior towards them.
• Personnel must not engage in unauthorized experimentation or research with SCPs.
• Personnel must not use their positions or knowledge to gain personal gain or profit.

III. SCP Containment

• The containment of SCPs is the top priority of the SCP Foundation. All personnel involved in the containment of SCPs must be highly trained and follow strict safety protocols.
• SCPs must be contained in a manner that ensures their safety and prevents them from harming Foundation personnel or the general public.
• Containment procedures must be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure their effectiveness.
• Personnel must not tamper with or disable containment procedures without proper authorization.

IV. Personnel Safety

• The safety and well-being of all Foundation personnel is of the utmost importance. All personnel must be provided with appropriate training and equipment to ensure their safety while on the job.
• Personnel must report any unsafe conditions or equipment immediately.
• Personnel must adhere to all safety protocols and procedures.

V. D-Class Personnel

• D-class personnel are an important resource for the SCP Foundation, but their treatment must be ethical and humane.
• D-class personnel must be treated with dignity and respect, and must not be subjected to cruel or inhumane treatment.
• The use of D-class personnel must be limited and carefully monitored to ensure their safety and well-being.

VI. Research

• All research conducted by the SCP Foundation must be conducted in an ethical and responsible manner.
• Research must be conducted with the goal of advancing knowledge and understanding of the anomalous, and must not be conducted for personal gain or profit.
• All research must adhere to strict safety protocols and ethical standards.

VII. Accountability

• All personnel must be held accountable for their actions and decisions.
• Personnel must report any ethical violations or concerns to their immediate superiors or the Ethics Committee.
• Personnel who engage in unethical behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

In conclusion, this code of ethics is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of all SCP Foundation personnel, D-class personnel, and SCPs. Adherence to these guidelines is critical to the success of the SCP Foundation's mission to protect humanity from the anomalous and unknown.

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